Trovati 79 sinonimi in 11 gruppi
  1. 1
    Significato: inspiring
    poignant touching thrilling stirring affecting emotional moving provoking
  1. 2
    Significato: adjacent
    bordering adjoining contiguous near abutting
    touching close-by close-at-hand neighboring
  2. 3
    Significato: sorry
    regretful sorrowing sympathetic touching pitying
  3. 4
    Significato: on
    over above touching in contact with
    covering on top of about upon
  4. 5
    Significato: distressing
    moving bitter touching passionate
    heartfelt intense serious poignant
  1. 6
    Significato: moving
    poignant pathetic sentimental pitiful
    stirring tender pitiable touching
  2. 7
    Significato: contiguous
    adjacent to in contact with against abutting
    bordering next to touching
  3. 8
    Significato: state
    pitiful regretful sorrowful
    sympathetic touching sorry
  4. 9
    Significato: joining
    related allied touching attached affecting
    connected akin familiar near
  5. 10
    Significato: handling
    touching manipulation
  6. 11
    Significato: position
    upon over above touching in contact with
    covering on top of about on

ᐅ Tutti i sinonimi per touching | Significati & parole simili

Sinonimi prima e dopo touching

  • totality
  • totally
  • tote
  • totter
  • tottering
  • touch
  • touch down
  • touch-and-go
  • touchable
  • touched
  • touching
  • touchstone
  • touchwood
  • touchy
  • tough
  • toughen
  • toughened
  • tour
  • touring
  • tourist
  • tourist car